Family is the heart of every home and our family is truly the heartbeat of Top of the World Barn. With every idea, every nail hammered, every hour spent on the improvements, and cleaning up debris left from 100 years of dust and junk, (a lot of which we re-purposed), our family was right there alongside of us. God planted this vision, in our hearts 27 years ago, to create a place for people to gather together to celebrate life. Whether it be a wedding family reunion, class reunion, birthday, women or men's retreat, marriage retreat, or just any reason that you want to get together, we have just the spot!
We were truly inspired by our son and daughter-in-law, to begin this journey. During a brief visit to California 7 years ago our son, Jesse asked us to pick him up from the airport, after his return. About 5 minutes into the drive home, he informed us that, he had just met the woman that he was going to marry the evening before. True to his word, 11 months later we celebrated their union, at our very first, beautiful but, primitive barn, and that marked the beginning of our journey!

The barn was built sometime during the time period between 1861 and 1863. The owner raised mules to sell to the Confederate Army. Mules were depended on to transport artillery and supplies. During this time period, the Civil War was going on, as was the emancipation of slaves. Many of mules were lead down to the river’s edge to board an awaiting barge.
It’s not clear how many years this operation continued but, it is certain that many different types of livestock were here. During the early 1900's a poultry farm was created in which Top of the World Poultry Farm was established and very well known throughout the area. Even a few of the original signs still remain! We felt strongly about its historic roots, so we decided to name this majestic barn, 'Top of the World Barn'.